Donate by Stock, DAF, or Other Ways to Support People with IDD in MN
Inspired to support Minnesotans with disabilities via a gift of stock, legacy bequest or Donor Advised Fund (DAF)? NCSI is worthy of your support. A registered 501c3, our staff works tirelessly in partnership with clients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to improve their lives.
In addition to making a gift online, there are many ways to support NCSI. and the wonderful people we serve.
Explore Giving Options
If you’d like to donate to NCSI by check rather than giving online, please make the check payable and send it to:
Northeast Contemporary Services, Inc.
Business Office
2770 Cleveland Avenue North Roseville, MN 55113 -
NCSI welcomes donations of new and gently-used supplies and equipment that support and complement our programming. Please take a look at the following Wish List to see what types of goods are most needed. If you have questions about whether or not an item could benefit NCSI, please contact executive director Jennifer Freeburg at Jennifer.Freeburg@NCSIdaysupports.org or 651-636-3343 ext. 101.
In-Kind Contributions are non-monetary items of tangible personal property such as art, collectibles, books, equipment, automobiles, inventory, and other personal assets or materials that represent value to NCSI. Because we welcome many in-kind contributions, we have a Policy Regarding In-Kind Contributions that sets guidelines for the official acceptance of these gifts and outlines the necessary procedures and approvals associated with in-kind contributions. Please review this policy before contacting NCSI regarding a potential in-kind contribution.
NCSI accepts donations of marketable securities like stocks, bonds, and other investment assets. Our policy is to immediately sell all donated securities to generate cash for our mission. Contact executive director Jennifer Freeburg at Jennifer.Freeburg@NCSIdaysupports.org or 651-636-3343 for transfer instructions.
Does your employer match their employees’ donations to charitable organizations? Check with your Human Resources Department to determine whether your gift to NCSI qualifies for a match. If so, complete the matching gift form/applicable procedure and send to:
Northeast Contemporary Services, Inc.
2770 Cleveland Avenue North
Roseville, MN 55113 -
Your planned gift will give NCSI a tool to build long-term financial stability and help us meet challenges both today and in the future. Here are some of the ways to make a planned gift to NCSI.
One of the easiest ways to support NCSI is by making NCSI a beneficiary of all or a percentage of your life insurance, IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plan. The funds passing under a beneficiary designation are distributed directly to NCSI, outside of the probate process.
Your gift through your will or revocable trust will help NCSI ensure that the needs of the people we serve will continue to be met in the future. Contact your attorney or financial advisor for assistance in determining how to make the appropriate gift.
Here are some examples of how to specify a gift to NCSI in your Will or Trust document (consult with your attorney to ensure the language properly fits your documents):
Sample Bequest of All or a Portion of Remainder of Estate
“I give to Northeast Contemporary Services, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, all [or state the fraction or percentage] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate.”
Sample Bequest of Specified Amount – “I give [$]_____ or [%]_____ to Northeast Contemporary Services, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation.”
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities. An increasingly popular charitable vehicle, DAFs are an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your philanthropic goals. Here’s how it works:
Give: Make a tax-deductible donation to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program;
Grow: Advise the investment allocation of the donated assets (any investment growth is tax-free);
Grant: Recommend grants to qualified charities of your choice like NCSI.
To get started, click one of the links below to learn how you can create your own DAF and recommend a grant to NCSI through one of these public charities:
Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Designate Funds Using DAF Direct
You can use this handy technology from DAFDirect.org to designate NCSI as the recipient of a distribution from you donor advised fund, if your fund is with a participating institution.